Okay, well the goal of this blog section of my site is two-fold. One, I’d like to share insight into what I do and why I love it. Coastline is a passion project. It’s something I do because I choose to, not because I must. The second reason is I’m testing the blog function in my web builder.

I intend to use this platform to bring updates on the latest trends in leathercraft, insight into sustainable tanning methods, best practices, tips, tricks, and more. For now, I think I’ll use this first post to give you a quick rundown of who I am and how I got here.

So, let’s rewind the clock to 2020. Ugh. Like many of us, I was stuck at home trying to juggle a new work-from-home policy my corporate job had implemented, my two young kids, and the stress my wife and I were feeling about the global pandemic. So, I did what any well-adjusted adult did. I glued my eyes to social media.

While watching hours of YouTube and Instagram videos about woodworking, tiny cabins, cooking and music production, somehow the algorithm started serving up videos showing people crafting leather wallets. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This big raw piece of cowhide leather being sliced and dices into shapes, then glues, then stitched, then done! What!?! Is it really that easy? No industrial machinery? No sewing machines? Just a knife, some glue and some needles and thread (and a stitching iron and wood slicker, and sandpaper and self-healing cutting board and a stitching pony but you get the idea)?

It did not take long for me to run to amazon, purchase a starter kit, a square foot of leather and see what magic I could create. I used some grid paper to design a simple 2 pocket bifold wallet. I spend a whole night carefully cutting, gluing, punching, and stitching. The result was…awful. It was rough, sloppy and worst of all it didn’t even hold cards. I made it too small.

Okay long story long. I kept at it. Honed the craft. Figured out the difference between cheap Amazon chrome-tan leather and high quality veg-tan leather. Made wallet after wallet and card holder after card holder and within 6 months I had some keepers. I was not only in love with the process, but also coming up with designs. I found myself eying bags and wallets when I went out to get new design ideas.

When I had a good stockpile of wallets and accessories, I felt proud to put my name on, I built this website and launched it in the beginning of 2022.

I have always been a creative professional. My professional and personal life for decades has centered around creative pursuits. From music, to filmmaking, cooking, woodworking, or leathercraft I simply cannot stop creating. To me, creating is life.

Truth be told I do not intend to make every blog post all about me. In fact, I’ll keep the focus on the craft, the tools, and the leather. If you made it this far, consider us good friends. Talk soon!


TOP 10 Favorite LEATHER-CRAFT Tools